Clark County Community Resources
Support systems are important - below you’ll find a list of resources found in Clark County that may fit some of the needs you have. We work to keep this updated so they can be as helpful as possible. Though we do not promote or work directly with those listed here, this list provides a “landing place” or “hub” for various community resources available to you.
None of the listed resources are involved with RLCBH, but, our providers do interact with several (or all) in various capacities throughout a given year.

Community Mental Health
Community Mental Health & Medication Management
Lifeline Connections (Crisis, In-Patient, Med Manage, Therapy)
Private Practice
Western Psychiatric/Lifestance
Fir Crest Behavioral Health - Biofeedback and Neurofeedback specialty
Low Private Pay Options
Mental Health Crisis Related Services
Clark County Crisis Line- (800) 626-8137
Crisis Texting Hotline - Text “HOME” to 741741
Youth Mobilization Crisis Intervention - (800) 626-8137
Adult Mobilization Crisis Intervention - (800) 626-8137
Lifeline Connections - (800) 604-0025
988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 988
Firearm and Medication Safe Storage Virtual Decision Making Safety Planner
988 Washington State Mental Health Crisis Support - Call or Text 988
Birchstone Mental Health Urgent Care (Vancouver, WA) - Urgent Care for Mental Health Crisis
Domestic Violence Support
YWCA SafeChoice Domestic Violence Program - (360) 695-0501
Juvenile Justice
Clark County Juvenile Justice Center - (360) 397-2201 | 500 W. 11th Street Vancouver, WA 98666
Navigating the Juvenile Justice System: A Handbook for Juveniles and Their Families
Occupational Therapy & Pain Management
Innovative Services | Speech, Occupational Therapies
Legacy Salmon Creek Clinic | Outpatient Rehabilitation
Advanced Pediatric Therapies - Occupational Therapy
Pain Management Self Care- University of Michigan Pain Management Website
After School Support for Children
Boys and Girls Club | Bright Futures Start Here - (360) 313-5690
KinderCare | Daycare, Preschool & Early Education in Vancouver - 888-525-2780
YMCA After School Programs - Provided at a variety of schools in Vancouver
Kids Summer Camps - List of several types of summer camps for kids (The Columbian)
Washington State Housing Finance Commission (Home Buying Assistance)
Council for the Homeless - Rental Assistance
Clark County Rental Assistance Programs
Community Foundation for Southwest Washington - Also known as the Vancouver Women's foundation that provides one time grants to women for housing support
Washington Connection - Washington State application for state and local resources, including food, housing, rent relief, disability support
Health Insurance
Washington Health Exchange | Apply Now
Addiction Resources
Parent 4 Parent (Local Director) | Jessica Cinollo (562) 537-3748
12 Steps - Local - Find Local Gatherings
Alcoholic Anonymous - Find Local Gatherings
Celebrate Recovery - Find local gatherings
Kaiser Permanente-Cascade Park - Department of Addiction Medicine - Nationwide Search Website for Addiction Support
Discover Recovery - Addiction Treatment that includes Detox, Residential and Therapy
Developmental Delay Resources
Developmental Delay Administration | (360) 418-6108 | 907 Harney Street Suite 200 Vancouver WA 98660
PEACE & Parent Coalition | Darla Helt - Director: (360) 823-2247 | | 9414 NE Fourth Plain BLVD Vancouver WA
Special Celebrations - Special Celebrations is a group hosted by PEACE NW led by parent volunteers creating inclusive events for individuals who experience a disability or special need and their families to live a full and meaningful life w/ friendship, support and community
ABA Providers
(Applied Behavior Analysis - Autism Specific Therapy)
Autism & Developmental Delay Assessments
Food Support
Washington Connection - Washington State application for state and local resources, including food, housing, rent relief, disability support
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, called Basic Food in Washington, helps people with low incomes make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food
SNAP Produce Match Program Earn more SNAP dollars at qualifying in person and virtual grocery stores
Legal Support
Washington Law Help Website
Free Legal Support (Limited)
Educational Resources
Partners for Action, Voices for Empowerment (Visit Website)
Local PAVE Representative: Jerri Clark | 360-827-0962
PEACE - Special Education Support
IEP & 504's
What is an IEP or 504 Plan and what should I know?
How do I access an IEP for my child? - Individual Education Plan Guidance
Family Community Resource Centers
Most Schools have one of these - they assist in providing basic needs for children attending their school (see example)
Any resource center has a director that can assist a family in accessing their nearby FCRC (Family Community Resource Center)
DSHS Support & Vocational Resources
Department of Vocational Rehab - Vancouver, WA Office Phone: 360-397-9960 Address: 800 NE 136th Ave Suite 130 Vancouver, WA 98684 Website: Division of Vocational Rehab
The Val Ogden Center for Vocational Rehab - Phone: (360) 253-4036 Address: 10201 NE Fourth Plain Blvd Vancouver, WA 98662
WorkSource Washington- Free in person and virtual support with resumes and cover letters, labor source information, hiring events and more
Have discounted monthly passes for students and others with disabilities (including mental health-related)
Community in Motion - Free, Non-Emergency Medical transport for medically related Appointments (e.g. doctor, dental, mental health, labs/imaging, medically related specialists) for those with Medicaid
Advocacy & Service Animal Support
Partners for Action, Voices for Empowerment (Visit Website)
Local PAVE Representative: Jerri Clark (360-827-0962)